Anybody who thinks a company should only use marketing concepts to satisfy the market is wrong. This could cause damage to the company’s image as well as the quality of the products delivered.
Internal communication and endomarketing are two strategies that organizations use to reach their employees. They are crucial actions that can contribute greatly to the success and growth of a company.
A common misconception is that the two terms are synonymous. They are complementary terms that target the same audience but have different objectives and mechanisms.
It is important to know the differences between internal communication and endomarketing in order to apply them as effective strategies.
Continue reading to learn more about endomarketing, how it differs from internal communication and some examples of these two strategies.
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Endo is of Greek origin and means “inside”, thus endomarketing refers to internal marketing activities that are focused on employees.
This practice recognizes the importance of human resources and aims to increase the loyalty and engagement of the employees of companies.
This system is based on the principle that employees should be treated like customers by taking actions tailored to their individual profiles. They feel valued and motivated to produce great results.
Endomarketing can take many forms and HR should study each one to determine which ones are most effective based on the employees.
We have listed below some strategies that companies who recognize the value of endomarketing are able to use.
This strategy encourages healthy competition between employees. It is based upon employee performance. Rewards such as money, travel, prizes and days off are all ways to increase the professional’s motivation to work harder and produce better results.
Intranet is a strategy that allows professionals to share ideas and interact digitally. This strategy maximizes employee integration, brings together managers and staff, and fosters mutual collaboration.
Training and courses are essential to making employees feel valued. The company that offers training and courses is making an investment in its employees’ professional and personal development, and stimulating their growth within the workplace.
Collaborative spaces are the creation of places for rest and leisure that allow group dynamics. This strengthens the ties between workers.
The ability to hold lectures, workshops, or other events to help teams interact can be a powerful way to motivate employees and increase their appreciation for the knowledge of each member.
Internal communication is about strategies that are based upon information. This concept is generally institutional and aims to inform all employees about the happenings in the organizations they work for.
Leaders can transmit information through internal channels and vehicles to give their employees a complete picture of the company.
This communication clarifies the organization’s mission, values, and vision. They also help to translate this information into strategies, goals, and objectives that must be achieved. In addition, they communicate routine information about daily and weekly actions.
There are many ways that internal communication can be done within a company. The most common ones are:
Written communication is the most common model in a corporate environment. Printing graphic material, such as magazines, newspapers, institutional catalogues, notice boards, or technological means like emails, corporate blogs and shared agendas.
Verbal communication – This type of communication is used extensively in the day-to-day lives of companies through lectures, meetings, and get-togethers with the intent that employees, managers, and leaders can interact.
Vertical communication – This is communication that employees at higher levels of the hierarchy use to communicate with each other and plan for the company’s future.
Horizontal communication is where all employees with the same hierarchy level communicate with one another to facilitate activities coordination.
Diagonal communication – this communication takes place between all levels of the hierarchy. It ensures that all employees, managers, leaders and directors receive the same information. This information can be new rules, projects or any other important aspect of a company.
These strategies, even though they have different goals and characteristics, are essential in every organization.
Internal communication is responsible for aligning employees with company goals. Endomarketing, however, focuses on making them propagators of those goals.
These actions are not to be abandoned. It is the same thing as ignoring the importance of productive, motivated professionals who can transform the workplace into a place for collaboration.